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Assessing the Blockage Type

Start by examining the shower drain for visible obstructions like long hair and soap scum, which are frequent causes of clogs.

Standing water suggests a deeper blockage, often requiring a combination of unblocking techniques.

Begin with a sturdy plunger as your first approach to unclogging minor shower drain blockages. If attempts to fix your clogged shower with a plunger don’t progress drainage, it’s likely the obstruction is more serious, needing further intervention. Learn how unblock a shower drain by starting with a blend of baking soda and vinegar, followed by boiling water, or try using a drain snake to tackle the blockage.

Following our guide will enhance your chances of successfully and promptly eliminating the blockage. But if DIY methods don’t work, call us at 1300 349 338 - our specialist tools can clear blocked drains, even those that are quite severe.

Trying Boiling Water

For a straightforward yet potent method, boiling water can effectively dissolve grease, hair, and soap residue that clog shower drains. Over time, Boiling water can dissolve blockages for smooth passage through the pipes. Try this dependable process, beginning with 1 cup of baking soda:

  1. Pour a cup of baking soda and then carefully pour boiling water down the drain.
  2. Remove the drain cover then slowly pour the water straight into drain through the drain opening.
  3. Allow the boiling water to work its magic for a few minutes to help break up the drain clog.
  4. Next, you should pour down ample cold water to thoroughly flush drain. The hard water’s rapid change in temperature helps dislodge debris.
  5. Steer clear from pouring scalding water down PVC pipes as it might warp or damage your plastics. Make sure to check your drain piping first.

For persistent clogs, repeatedly pour 1 cup of baking soda followed by boiling water down the drain for a more effective clean. It’s very effective at melting soap scum. Alternatively, a plumber’s snake might serve as an efficient follow up to extricate any loosened remnants.

Exercise caution when combining distilled white vinegar and baking soda to prevent accidents. Should home solutions not improve drainage, call 1300 349 338 to arrange professional drain cleaning.

Snaking the Drain

To unblock a drain, you might find that employing a drain auger, similar to a plumber’s auger, can be an adept device for handling stubborn clogs. You’ll find a drain snake is a long, flexible metal cable that can reach deep into pipes to catch debris and pull it out.

Follow these safe steps for snaking a shower drain:

  1. Begin by understanding how to clear the area, employing a tool to remove the drain cover completely, thus ensuring open access to remove hair before pouring hot water down the drain.
  2. Slowly feed the drain snake down the drain with your hands, gently pushing it further when you meet resistance from a clog.
  3. Crank the handle on the snake to rotate the cable tip, helping it work its way through gunk to grab and pull out the clog.
  4. Upon reaching the clog with the snake, reverse the handle and extract the snake gently.
  5. Remove any hair or debris that comes out wrapped around the snake cable and clear out your drains effectively.
  6. Use hot water for a final flush to help clear away any residual hair clog particles dislodged by the snake.

Continue to use the snake until water flows unobstructed, ensuring the drain is clear. Avoid forcing the snake too roughly or quickly to prevent scratching your pipes. Plastic tubing is especially vulnerable to damage.

Drain augers can access blockages up to 3 metres within the pipes. They snag the buildup all along the cable, making them ideal to clear out shower drain clogs. Just be cautious of sharp edges around the winding handle.

For expert cleaning of clogged drains, call our team at 1300 349 338. With our advanced equipment, we’re equipped to handle electric snakes, hydro jetting, and camera inspections to get your drain shower operating smoothly once more.

Considering Commercial Drain Cleaners

Drain cleaners are available for breaking down hair, soap residue, grease, and other debris in shower drains. Look for a drain cleaner designed specifically for showers and tubs to avoid damaging pipes.

Choose granular cleaners for their effectiveness in removing clogs and adherence to pipe walls. Follow product instructions carefully - only use an amount suitable for your drain size. In most cases, overuse risks corroding pipes and may contribute to a blocked drain.

Before using strong commercial cleaners, consult us to ensure they won’t damage your pipes. Avoid using them too frequently.

Before trying chemical drain openers, check if they are compatible with your plumbing system - copper, PVC, cast iron etc. Ensure you’re wearing rubber gloves and that cleaners used are specifically crafted for your drain material type. Wear gloves and ventilate the area to prevent fumes.

Use chemical drain cleaners as a last resort for a blocked shower drain after other methods have failed. Get in contact with us at 1300 349 338 to deal with blocked drains using professional-grade cleaning solutions applied with utmost safety.

Implementing Preventative Measures

To prevent clogged showers, routinely clean and maintain your shower drain and reach out to us for more tips.

Use a Hair Catcher

Installing a hair catcher can proficiently prevent strands of hair shower from accumulating and clogging the drain. Frequent upkeep, like tipping soda down drain, mitigates against severe obstructions.

Flush with Hot Water

Regularly pour hot water down the drain weekly to keep your shower clean and clear. This helps flush away debris like soap scum and hair, preventing blockages.

Alternatively, you can use your showerhead to direct hot water down the drain for a minute or two. Just be cautious not to warp plastic PVC piping.

Regular Drain Maintenance

Regular maintenance is key to preventing clogs; incorporate basic drain care into your routine:

  • Employ a straightened wire hanger occasionally to extract accumulated hair from your pipes.
  • Each month, pour a mix of baking soda and a cup of white vinegar down the drain, let sit for 10 minutes before rinsing away with hot water.
  • Consider installing drain screens to filter out hair and debris around covered pipes.

Integrating drain care into regular cleaning minimises the risk of future shower drain clogs.

For professional drain cleaning and maintenance in Newtown, call Newtown Plumbing on 1300 349 338 or email us to book an appointment.

Knowing When to Call a Professional

As a homeowner, knowing when to call for professional plumbing assistance can prevent further damage and save you money in the long run. Here are key indicators of what to do when faced with blocked shower drain issues:

Recurring Clogs

Persistent clogs after DIY attempts suggest a more serious underlying problem. Recurring clogs are often the most common reasons why your blocked shower needs professional attention.

Professionals use high-powered electric drain snakes to clear persistent clogs and identify underlying causes. A camera inspection can also review your drains for cracks or collapsed sections impeding water flow.

Multiple Blocked Drains

If every drain in your abode shows signs of slowdown or blockage, it suggests that a pro’s skill is required to clean drains, as an obstructed main sewer line could be impacting your drainage system’s efficacy. Tree roots, pipe damage, or significant buildup is likely affecting the main drainage system.

Attempting DIY fixes on your shower’s piping offers only temporary relief. Call plumber to schedule complete drain cleaning services and prevent backups into your home.

Signs of Structural Damage

If you notice pooling water, sewage odours, drips, or flooding, these are signs of significant issues. These indicate serious pipe damage or leaks allowing water to escape.

DIY fixes may lead to structural issues such as mould and rot, so it is best to leave this to professionals. Our professional plumbers can inspect, diagnose issues, and make all necessary repairs.

For prompt local assistance getting your shower drain flowing freely again, contact Newtown Plumbing at 1300 349 338. Our licenced technicians are available 24/7 to tackle tough clogs and drainage problems.

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